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Technology In Sports Betting

From Fitbits to smartphones, technology has changed all aspects of our lives. Sports betting is one sector that has always incorporated the latest technology, enabling its continued growth. The industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years as betting has moved from bookies to online apps and websites. While some still prefer traditional betting, gambling sites are experiencing unprecedented success.

How Technology Has Transformed Sports Betting

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Although sports betting has always existed in some form, when we look at the origins of gambling, we find concrete evidence of sports betting in the Roman Empire’s fusion of gladiator and chariot racing with gambling. Just as the Romans transformed sports gambling, technology is changing how we bet on sports. The internet ushered in the biggest change to the pastime, as people can now go online to check the odds on their favorite team winning a game. They can then place a bet on their favorite sports team with an online sportsbook in a matter of seconds.

The Internet

It’s impossible to talk about how technology has transformed sports betting without mentioning the internet. The internet has allowed sports betting to take place online instead of at a physical venue, resulting in more people participating in the pastime. Since it’s so easy to place a wager online, the sports betting audience has grown significantly. It’s also much easier now for people to bet on more than one sport at a time. Best of all, there’s no need to travel anywhere; everything can be done from home.

Streaming Sporting Events

Just as video games and technology have influenced football and other sports, the streaming of live sporting events has changed how we bet on sports. If horse racing is your thing, you can stream it in HD from home using a mobile app or on your computer. If you prefer watching basketball, you can do the same.

The best thing about live streaming is you know you’ll never miss a minute of the action. Many top sportsbooks offer live streaming to their customers for free if they’ve already wagered on the sporting event. Live streaming means you don’t have to engage in blind betting because you can always watch in real-time.

Blockchain Technology

The emergence of bitcoin, NFTs, and other cryptocurrencies has touched many industries, including sports betting. Blockchain’s impact on the betting industry has been significant, with some organizations accepting cryptocurrency as payment. Although betting using fiat money is still the norm, crypto payments will likely go mainstream within the next decade.

Online Sports Books Go Mobile

As of 2021, over 97% of Americans owned cellphones, and the numbers are almost identical in other developed countries. That’s not all; mobile devices account for over 80% of internet traffic, with those numbers expected to grow significantly over the next several years.

Sportsbooks have taken notice and developed mobile apps to make inroads into this untapped market. The largest sportsbooks offer their entire experience on mobile apps and websites. If you want to bet on the go, all you have to do is open the app to place a live bet. Several sportsbooks offer mobile-exclusive promotions to encourage customers to use their apps.

Live Betting

Technology has allowed us to experience things in real-time that past generations could never have imagined. For example, today’s bettors can instantly place a wager on live events and potential outcomes. Major sportsbooks offer live betting on tennis, football, soccer, basketball, and ice hockey.

Some sportsbooks have incorporated virtual reality technology to enhance the experience, allowing participants to bet on virtual events and games. While it may sound a bit strange to bet on a virtual game that doesn’t exist in real life, this type of betting is catching on and will likely grow in the future.

The published material expresses the position of the author, which may not coincide with the opinion of the editor.

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