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Migrating to Drupal 8

Developing a Drupal website or migrating to Drupal 8 is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. However, we have compiled some guidelines and essential aspects that you need to consider whether you’re developing a new Drupal website or planning to upgrade to Drupal 8 from its previous version, Drupal 7.

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Tips for creating a stunning Drupal website and migrating to Drupal 8

We’ll take you on a journey of the fundamentals of Drupal website development. Hopefully, you will learn some insider tips and tricks to create a high-quality Drupal website that stands out and conduct the best quality Drupal 8 migration. We’ll also open up how to integrate Drupal with Salesforce and share best practices and pitfalls to avoid when developing, integrating, or migrating Drupal websites. So let’s get started on your journey to create a stunning Drupal website and stay ahead of the competition in the digital world.

Building an exceptional Drupal website that stands out from the crowd

There are some things to consider when creating a website, and it doesn’t matter if it is a website for a business, an online store, or a personal blog. Drupal is so flexible and scalable that it makes it the perfect platform to present your brand and engage with your target audience. Your Drupal website is bound to succeed if all the stages, from website planning and design to development and testing, are thoroughly followed and top-notch.

Should you migrate to Drupal 8?

It may seem daunting to upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. However, the effort is undoubtedly worth it. Drupal 8 has plenty of new and improved features and enhancements. By leveraging its capabilities, you can elevate your website’s performance and functionality. When you are aware of all the advantages, you can rest assured and not worry about any unnecessary setbacks. Therefore, gear up and prepare to maximize Drupal 8’s innovative features.

Integrating Drupal with Salesforce

Salesforce is known as a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool. Salesforce is designed to assist businesses with managing their sales, marketing, and customer service operations. When Drupal is integrated with Salesforce, it enables you to leverage the advantages of both platforms to deliver a more comprehensive and efficient digital experience.

Drupal Salesforce Integration can provide a range of benefits for businesses, such as improved lead generation, enhanced customer insights, and streamlined data management. To achieve a successful integration of Drupal and Salesforce, there are several crucial steps that you need to take:

  • Creating a Salesforce account and acquiring the required credentials
  • Installing and configuring Salesforce Suite, a Drupal module that facilitates integration
  • Mapping Drupal fields to Salesforce fields to ensure data consistency
  • Setting up workflows and triggers to automate data syncing between the two platforms
  • Testing the integration thoroughly to ensure all data is syncing correctly.

Following these steps can help you achieve a successful Drupal Salesforce integration that enhances your digital capabilities and improves your overall business operations.

Benefits of upgrading to Drupal 8 from Drupal 7

Improved performance

Drupal 8 is built on a new and improved framework that offers better performance and faster page loading times.

Better mobile responsiveness

Drupal 8 is crafted with mobile users in consideration, providing built-in responsive design capabilities.

Enhanced security

Drupal 8 has improved security features and is more secure than its predecessor.

Streamlined content editing

Drupal 8 offers a more intuitive content editing experience with improved usability and workflow.

Better integration

Drupal 8 integrates seamlessly with other technologies, including web services and third-party applications.

Easy maintenance

Drupal 8 has a streamlined upgrade process. As a result, it becomes simpler to keep your website modern and manage it effectively in the long run.

In general, upgrading to Drupal 8 has many other benefits, and altogether they make up for successful projects.

Mastering best practices for Drupal website development and migration

On your way to quality Drupal websites, it’s crucial to follow only the best practices in the field.

Below are some instances of the recommended practices for developing a Drupal website or migrating to Drupal 8:

Develop a clear plan.

Before diving with your head down into website development or migration, it’s important to have a clear plan. Define your website goals, user personas, and website requirements to guide your development process.

Use a responsive design.

We won’t surprise anyone when we mention that mobile usage is constantly increasing. So, it’s essential to use a responsive design that fits different screen sizes and devices. Drupal 8 comes with responsive design features built-in, meaning you get a mobile-friendly website with less effort.

Choose the right modules.

Drupal offers a vast range of modules to extend its functionality. Choosing modules that are well-maintained, secure, and compatible with Drupal 8 is crucial.

Test, test, test!

The testing stage is crucial to make sure your website functionality matches your plan. Use automated and manual testing methods to catch any bugs or issues before your website goes live.

Back up regularly.

It is advisable to have an alternative strategy ready to avoid any potential loss of data. Regularly back up your website files and database to ensure you can quickly recover in the event of an issue.

Pitfalls to avoid when developing and migrating Drupal websites

Nothing comes easily. There are several common mistakes that developers can make when developing or migrating Drupal websites. Making errors during the website development or migration process can result in poor website performance and a negative user experience.

Here are some examples of common mistakes to avoid:

  • Failing to adequately plan the website’s structure, content, and functionality before beginning development
  • Making unnecessarily complex website design that leads to making it difficult for users to navigate and find the information they have come here for
  • Neglecting to optimize the website’s performance, resulting in slow load times and poor user experience
  • Failing to thoroughly test the website before launch leading to unexpected bugs and issues
  • Not keeping up with updates and maintenance, leaving the website vulnerable to security threats and performance issues.

Wrapping up

If you follow those best practices in Drupal development and migration and try to avoid common mistakes, everything will go smoothly for you. Additionally, this leads to the creation of a website of high quality,  with top-notch features and fulfilling the requirements of both the enterprise and its users.

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