Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Clubs & Soccer Bars In California
Please let us know of any Tottenham supporters clubs or soccer bars in California that are not listed here.
LA Spurs
Los Angeles Spurs is one of the largest Spurs supporters groups and was formed back in 2005. They became official in 2010 and Their home bar is The Greyhound in Highland Park where they meet for all matches. You can join them on social media and they even send out emails about upcoming events. They also have a Youtube page where you can re-live some memorable moments.
Tottenham Soccer Bar in Los Angeles – The Greyhound
Sacramento Spurs
Tottenham fans in the capital city of Sacramento are plentiful. They meet at the Zebra Club which boasts the best breakfast in Sacramento. Join them for a game (call to check opening times) or join them on Facebook.
Tottenham Soccer Bar in Sacramento – The Zebra Club
San Diego Spurs
This Southern Californian Tottenham group has grown to over 30 members since becoming official in 2014. They also attract fans from across the border in Tijuana when they meet for matches at The Harp in Ocean Beach.
Spurs Bar in San Diego – The Harp
San Francisco Spurs
Back up north, the Frisco Spurs fans meet for games at their official bar Danny Coyle’s on Haight Street. This soccer-mad establishment is open for 7 am games.
Spurs Soccer Bar in San Francisco – Danny Coyle’s
Santa Barbara Spurs
The Press Room have been hosting the local Tottenham fans at their downtown bar for decades. The group finally became official in 2018. They also meet for some matches at Cody’s Cafe on Hollister Avenue. Follow them on Facebook to keep up!
Tottenham Soccer Bar in Santa Barbara – The Press Room
Sonoma County Spurs Supporters Club
This is one of the newer chapters, having formed in 2022. In fact they are still looking for a place to call home. So if there are any Sonoma County based bars out there willing to host some friendly soccer fans on a weekend morning, please get in touch with them at their FB page.