Surviving the last final stages of the highly competitive Fortnite Game is not a toddler’s job. It requires enough patience, skills, and a clever mindset to operate.
First, let’s learn a little bit about the Fortnite game.

Fortnite is a high-octane action spectacle online video game developed by Epic Games and released in 2017. Fortnite Battle Royale is a huge cultural phenomenon, a truly global success in the gaming community.
It is available in three distinctive modes of gaming versions- Fortnite Battle Royale, a free-to-play battle royale game where 100 players fight among themselves to be the one last standing player, Fortnite Save the World, in which at least four players try to survive fighting off against zombies, and then comes Fortnite Creative which gives the player full freedom to create worlds and battle arenas of their choice.
High ground is an advantageous stage for a player in the video game, it gives the player legitimate control over the fights. Fortnite Creative mode version allows this stage to their skilled users who know the constructs of the game very well.
Whenever there is a battle between two players with equal shooting capabilities and the RNG system intact in their gun barrels, whoever has the high ground will ultimately win.
Developer: Epic Games
Genre: Survival, Battle Royale, Cyberpunk Sci-fi
Platforms: Windows, PS 4, PS5, Xbox One, iOS, and Android
First Release: 25/07/2017
Epic royale/Fortnight
How to take the high ground
Claiming the Highground is a common practice among all Fortnite players. It allows them a proper gateway towards a safe zone from where they can terminate their opponents easily.
These are some of the best tried and tested practices to reclaim high ground in Fortnite:
Building Fights
Building is one of the essential elements of Fortnite that players need to learn at some point to survive the battle royale island and become a veteran. Build fights are very important to retake or claim high ground from your opponents.
Always make the first move during the combative build fights; it will be an advantage for you. Engage strategically without reservation or fear, and elevate your chances for High ground.
Approach from a Closer Range
Get closer to your opponent’s building blocks, and shatter them all with closer-range metal execution. Use the Ramps for breaking these building block basement shields. Go directly in front of them and attack them with full might.
Tunnel Method
These methods of Sidewall jump, 360-degree full tunnel, and side exits can help players move sideways faster. It requires them to build a wall on the side as they are on the edge of their ramp.
They will then need to jump, build a ramp with the support of the wall, and continue building the one-sided tunnel in quick succession to complete the high-ground retake.
Advantages of High Ground
After you successfully take or reclaim high ground from an extensive battle against your opponents and other obstructions, you are finally in for a dominating authoritative control over your next fights.
As we all discussed above, Building is essential for a well-functioning High ground base level, giving you a complete view of the game. It’s highly important for you to win the Fortnite Championship strategically.
High ground provides many advantages for engaging victoriously in battles and fight controls. Here are some of the most common advantages you get on High ground:
Surrounding View
From the High Ground, you can see farther than you would on the ground.
Up high, you can check for enemies or points of interest like supply drops or rifts.
Easier to Track Your Enemies
Being on high ground will provide better protection from players pivoting in, as they will likely appear below you. You can easily terminate them with a one-shot sniper.
You can get a proper visual of their tactical movements and directions from which they will appear more likely. Track their movement and get impudent headshots from this angle.
Tactical Control
When you have the high ground, the enemies have to build to get a good angle on you, but you can quickly jump onto them. Therefore, you can decide when you want to fight, while they can’t.
Remember not to build too high, as it would cost you a lot of materials and give your opponent an easier time to take down your builds.
If you and your enemy both have equal loadout and mechanical skills, the fight would likely be decided by the one who has the high ground. The one who acquires it and utilizes it has more chance of winning the battle royale championship.
With that thought, Good luck on the battlefield gamers. Want to learn more about Fortnite gaming hacks and cheats without being detected log on to this official site:
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