The Pros and Cons of Playing Soccer in College
There are various sports that university students love to participate in. At the moment, thousands of students all around the country choose college soccer (football) as their main sport, a topic extensively covered by The chance of success is among the benefits of playing soccer in school. However, there are also disadvantages associated with following this path. Continue reading this article to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of playing soccer in college.
Below are some benefits of playing university soccer.
Develop Healthy Relationships
Playing soccer gives you the chance to build relationships with your teammates and coaches. In particular, you can get lifelong friendships based on support and loyalty as you win and lose matches together. In most cases, these bonds develop quickly due to the nature of the sport, which requires teamwork. Friendships forged through a sport like soccer usually endure. Later in life, teammates and coaches typically do not hesitate to help each other with:
- Career opportunities.
- Financial aid.
- Emotional support.
- Resume references.
Build a Sport Portfolio
Soccer clubs globally are looking for players with a proven track record of success. Although scouts may come to see you play occasionally, they do not base their decisions on one-time performances. They usually like to go through your playing stats. Playing university football allows you to build a sporting portfolio if you intend to go professional. Your chance of success is determined by your ability to balance academic and sports life. Essay writing service review can help you choose the best writing service for your educational needs. In addition, you can select any of these writing services to balance these two essential aspects of your life.
Experience Life Lessons
Football is a sport that teaches you about life. The experience and feeling of winning and losing teach valuable lessons that apply to all aspects of life. In addition, you get to learn about:
- Work ethics.
- Teamwork.
- Anger management.
- Perseverance.
The skills you learn by playing soccer in college apply beyond just the sport. You can use these attributes at work, at home, and in your community. If you are lucky to play as the team captain, you will learn essential selflessness and leadership skills to serve you for a lifetime.
Stepping Stone for Success
Playing soccer can be a source of success in the present and future. It is one of the best catalysts for developing sport business ideas. Furthermore, the skills and tricks you learn can help you create a business in football or a similar industry. Many former university soccer players become coaches, fitness specialists, or football team owners.
Cons of Playing Soccer in College
College soccer offers a lot of benefits. However, there are disadvantages associated with it, too. Some of these cons are highlighted below.
Poor Academic Performance
Many university athletes allow their love for the sport to overshadow their education. If you let that happen, your grades will suffer. If you are not careful, you may end up not graduating from university.
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Injury Risk
A high-intensity sport like soccer is associated with the risk of injury. Some injuries can prevent you from achieving your dream of going professional. In some cases, you may become disabled when severe bone or brain injuries occur.
Challenging to Go Pro
Becoming a professional soccer player is next to impossible. The odds of becoming a pro player are less than 2%. So, if you aim to play professionally, you may likely never realize this dream.
College soccer is a sport with growing popularity. Nonetheless, it has a lot of pros and cons you should consider before deciding to play university football. Weight out the benefits and negative aspects outlined above and decide if soccer is something you wish to tie your college life to.
About the Author
Carl Hill is a writer and author with years of educational experience. He regularly works with professors and other educators. He played soccer during his university years. Likewise, Carl loves to volunteer his time to the causes dear to his heart.