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How to make your TikTok followers count grow

Although many people think that TikTok is a totally win or lose story, we’d have to say that there are still many tools that you can use to increase the subs’ count and the number of thumbs up and comments that you have. In this text we will review the main tools that you can use to increase the popularity of your page, and give some tips on how you can do it for free and how you can buy TikTok followers cheap and get a much better promotion result. Let’s start with free tools, so you can understand what results you can get from this method of promotion in general.

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TikTok is different from Instagram, but there definitely are some similarities, for example – you have to have strong, memorable and appealing visuals for people to want to follow you and watch you on a regular basis. How do you do it on TikTok? Well, you need to think of an interesting, clear and “saying” main picture, use the right emojis in your profile’s description and apply correct filters to your videos (and make sure that those suit each other). All of that should be thought through ahead, and you should be very careful with what you’re doing with your visuals, as it is easy to ruin them and fall out of general style. It is better to delegate this task to a professional if you’re having difficulties figuring out where to start and what style to imply to your profile right now.

1 –

Figure out the right posting routine, as it will help you to be shown in people’s feed more often. In some countries it is better to post at night, in some – at day time. However, you can simply follow a TikToker whom you like and notice when they are used to putting forward new content. It will help a lot and will also help you with creating a blueprint schedule which will already be a booster because you’d have to post regularly and in the correct time. However, don’t just blindly copy people, make your own improvements and adjustments as you go.


Follow the trends – these are especially gold if you’re trying to figure out your target audience. Different groups of people are watching different trends, and if you’d surf through comments for different trends, you’d be able to figure out who might be your potential audience, according to what type of trends you’re finding suitable to you. Normally, you should always be following the trends and the memes that TikTokers produce, so that you’d be able to correctly apply them to your content. There should be a place for all types of content in your profile actually, including replies to other clips as well, keep that in mind while planning your content plan.

3 –

Yes, although many people say that TikTok is a very “go with the flow thing”, you still should have a precise content plan – in this it is no different from any other social media net, and you should think ahead of what you’re willing to share with your audience. Preferably, you should also talk to your audience about what you’re going to do with your content. You can do it either in comments to your clips, or on Instagram or any other platform where it is convenient talking to people.

4 –

Cross posting is a thing, especially when it comes to spreading a word about TikTok videos. You can repost them on Instagram and on Twitter, you can male compilations out of them on YouTube and promote them like this. If you have a somewhat developed audience on any other social media, make sure to do an introductory post where you will tell about your new resource with nice content, so that people will follow you. However, free methods are not quite enough to reach great results quickly, so further we will discuss an opportunity to buy followers on TikTok, so that you won’t have any misunderstanding and stigmas about this tool.

Yes, many people say that this one can be wasteful, however this is far from the truth: usually, when people say things like this, they have been the victims of the scam websites in their pasts. If you learn several important things to check while making such a purchase, you’ll be okay and moreover will be able to gain great advantages thanks to it.

So, if you decide to turn to paid services, you should attentively check whether you’re buying real subs or fake ones. The thing is, TikTok algorithms are very strict about the fact that somebody uses bots or fakes for promotion – if you do that once (and buy, let’s say, more than 10000 subs at one moment), TikTok will stop perceiving your page as a decent one and won’t take your profile’s content into recommendations circulation.

So be very careful and check the info – normally, decent promotional websites always write how they are delivering the packages of subs, thumbs up and other services to their clients. If you don’t see the info, ask a manager or simply move forward to looking up another resource. However, if you don’t have time for research, you can use the links that we have given you in this article and save yourself some time and energy.

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